Birth control pills will not harm or end a pregnancy, but a woman stops taking them if she's pregnant as they are of no further use.
Yes, it's not harmful to do so.
Packet of birth control pills on the kitchen counter, receipts from the pharmacy for birth control pills, or your wife asking, "Have you seen my birth control pills?"
Birth control pills do not increase the risk of birth defects in babies conceived by women who are or were taking them.
If he is taking female birth control pills forget him. They contain hormones and he is not taking them for birth control.
Taking the birth control pill every other day is not effective at preventing pregnancy.
You should not mix pills with your birth control pills. This candamage your insides or cause your birth control to be ineffective. Mixing pills is dangerous.
Were you taking birth control pills before TTC?
Birth control pills do not make your breasts grow.
Birth control pills have no effect on pregnancy tests.
Continue taking your birth control pills as scheduled.