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Q: Can swallowing semen from a pot smoker put THC in your system?
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How do you get THC out of your system if you are a infrequent smoker?

By not smoking for 30 days.

How long does THC stay in your system if you are a occasionel smoker?

Up to 30 days.

How long after smoking pot will you be clean?

If you are a heavy pot smoker it will take about 28 days for the THC to be cleaned from your system.

Does kush stay in your system longer then regular weed?

No thc passes through the body at the same rate smoke once can be outta your system in 7 days occasional smoker 30 days an often smoker can take 90

How long does weed stay in your system if you weigh 125 and are an occassional smoker?

no matter what the weight is or how often the THC is their for at least 28 days!

Can you cleanse your body of THC if you are not a heavy smoker on three days?

No. Weed stays in you're system for 26 days. the soonest you can rid THC of you're body is 2 weeks with water. and maybe a week with detox drinks for Marijuana.

Does cranberry juice help lower your urine readings for weed smoking?

cranberry juice helps dudes, it improves prostate function, prostates do not help you pass urine tests, they increase the alkalinity of semen... drink water and exercise helps clean your system out, unless you are a long time heavy smoker, then THC can actually be stored in fat, when you exercise, it can be release back into your system...

How long does it take to get THC out your systems?

THC can get out of your system in anywhere from 2 days to 11 weeks depending on the user. The smoker's metabolism, body fat percentage, exercise routine, heritage, and amount of pot that is smoked all affect the rate at which THC leaves the system. a good rule of thumb would be 30 days with lots of water/liquids and exercise.

Can THC be passed through semen?

Yes, THC can be present in semen if the individual has used marijuana. However, the amount of THC that can be passed through semen is typically low and unlikely to affect a partner or unborn child.

Can you get THC out in 9 days?

yes that should be plenty of time unless you are a frequent smoker because thc is stored in your fat cells. also depending on the type of drug test. if it is urine test ur safe but if you have a hair or blood test you are probobly screwed because Thc can be stored in your hair for months if you are a frequent smoker. my answers come from personal experiences if you really want to try to get the thc out faster is to flush out your system with water but dont drown yourself. Dont waste your money on detox pills they never work.

Will boric acid clean your system of THC?

not boric acid but exercise will, and not smoking it will make u clean in 1-2 weeks if smoking here and there, but if heavy smoker then 1-2 months

What is the best way to get THC out of your system if you're a first-time smoker?

If you only smoked once, in your whole life, then it should not take more than a week for it to leave your system. But I would wait at least 10 days, just to be safe.