Yes slightly tender breast can mean your pregnant. However, it can also mean your are on your period or about to start a period - premenstrual. There is also a slight chance it can be something more serious.
urinating alot does not mean your pregnant...however it is a sign you might be even in the early stages you will have frequent urinaton and or tender breast
No, they can be tender when you're starting your period or when there is illness as well. Breast tenderness can be a sign of pregnancy, but it doesn't always mean that you are pregnant when it occurs either.
You're preggers.
If Someones breast seem to be getting tender it might be a sign of pregnancy so its better if you get yourself check.
Notat all. tender breasts can be caused by various reasons. One reason is that you're ovulating. Another reason is that you are pre menstrual and about to have your period. The final reason is that you could possibly be pregnant. So get tested!
if she doesnt start her period on time, take a test
i have breast milk for 7 years why
it means that your breast is growing!! one may start growing first, but it will even out in a while.
It may mean you are pregnant, however you should check it out. as it does not mean you are definitely pregnant.
8/10 it can mean your pregnant! So I Provide you to go to the clinic
There could be several reasons why your breasts might feel tender on the side and underneath. Tender breasts can be part of premenstrual symptoms and can also be a sign of pregnancy.