Yes, if your safelink phone is a tracfone, you can transfer service to a different tracfone. Before I tried I contacted customer service to make sure.
There are many government programs that works with the Tracfone or Safelink systems to supply free cell service to disabled individuals. They are limited in how much you can use them but they are free.
NO, tracfone can only be used in USA! That is what customer service just told me
Tracfone is a Prepaid phone, Service Providers usually charge a hefty for for internet use either Monthly or by the amount of data transferred. So this would cost alot of money to you.
No, Safelink Wireless is not a fraud. It is a government-assisted wireless service that provides free cell phone and limited monthly minutes to eligible low-income individuals. Safelink is a legitimate program operated by TracFone Wireless in partnership with Lifeline, a federal assistance program.
Tracfone is an extention of the AT&T service. Anywhere that AT&T has service will allow access for tracefone users. Yes, we certainly do have service.
you have to contact safelink and they will greatfully walk you through step by step on how to swap your phone as long as you are swaping it to another trac phone and safe link is a very excellent ideal and its one of the best ways to help those that cant afford a phone it has saved my life more than once and that's the truth so for those that feel it is a waste of money are wrong. And for you that feel you are paying for this service check your resouces before you judge. Because people are out there spending hundreds of dollars to companies for phones that are not even function correctly but you steady go back and give up that money you might work for it but use that money to hire people and give that money to them that will work for it.
This happened to me. I called Safelink, they told me to either buy another charger or send the safelink phone back and they would send a new phone w/charger. Also was told if I didn't send the cell phone that was in my possession after they sent the new phone, they would turn the service off...
I want to cancel my tracfone service
I believe that just transferring the SIM card from the old phone to the new one will do the trick. The card is usually behind the battery pack. You can't put a Tracfone SIM card into a phone from another service company, but that shouldn't be a problem since you're switching between Tracfones.
No, Tracfone does not suck. I own one, and I am very pleased with it. I have never had any problems with my phone, or the service.
I have had the same problem. When you contact Tracfone they will tell you the local carrier does not provide it or the towers in your area can't send data. But what it is is Tracfone is unwilling to provide the service to you and the people in your area. I contacted my local provider and they do provide the service but Tracfone is unwilling to provide it to the customers. I called Tracfone and after 30 minutes I fianally got a superviser to admit Tracfone is unwilling to provide data service in my area even though they keep blaming the local carriers
1-800-378-1684I lost my phone and called this number, I was connected with an agent right away, they deactivated my missing phone and the one time courtesy replacement is on the way. According to the policy it will be a refurbished phone and according to the agent I can keep my number.