you have to contact safelink and they will greatfully walk you through step by step on how to swap your phone as long as you are swaping it to another trac phone and safe link is a very excellent ideal and its one of the best ways to help those that cant afford a phone it has saved my life more than once and that's the truth so for those that feel it is a waste of money are wrong. And for you that feel you are paying for this service check your resouces before you judge. Because people are out there spending hundreds of dollars to companies for phones that are not even function correctly but you steady go back and give up that money you might work for it but use that money to hire people and give that money to them that will work for it.
Can safelink phone have camera options.
acc107 233 41
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The number to safe link
If the tracfone has been unlocked from its original network OR it is already on the same network as the safelink phone was on - then yes.
You can get a iPhone or safelink phone for free. You can get an iPhone by usually searching free offers. The only way you could get a safelink or trackfone phone is if you are 59 and up or have some or no money. :-)
at phones for u
how do i get safe link number
This happened to me. I called Safelink, they told me to either buy another charger or send the safelink phone back and they would send a new phone w/charger. Also was told if I didn't send the cell phone that was in my possession after they sent the new phone, they would turn the service off...
my safelink phone got stolen on 8-21-2011 and i was whating to know if i can get another one sent to me please
I recieve a message from safelink that i needed to reapply for services and I would like to know how do i do that could you please assist me Thank You Alma Rivera phone number 702-301-8627
Go to Type in your zip code Click 'Apply' Follow instructions on that page.