

Best Answer

Yes, After the Urine evaporates from the "stick" it will fade away or if it's electronic it will Power down and disappear.

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Q: Can positive pregnancy results disappear from the pregnancy test?
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presentation of symptoms, a positive pregnancy test, and detection of a pregnancy outside of the uterus by means of ultrasonography

If you think to much of the pregnancy can that effect the results of the pregnancy test?

No. Pregnancy is a biological issue, and no matter what you think (positive or negative), it will not effect the pregnancy test.

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Will the pregnancy test say positive after one week of conception?

It can, but you should wait at least 2 weeks for accurate pregnancy test results.

Is it possible to be positive on a ovulation test and a week later get a positive pregnancy test?

After your ovulation takes place, you'll need to wait at least 10 days to take a pregnancy test and, hopefully, get positive results. Good luck!

What do horizontal and vertical lines mean in pregnancy results?

my pregnancy test positive result should be vertical but is horizontal

Whats wrong with Expired pregnancy test?

Your results can be a false-negative or a false-positive.

What is it when there is 1 dark line and 1 faint line on a pregnancy test mean?

It depends on the pregnancy test, but usually it means a positive results. Congrats!

How can weed potentially impact the accuracy of pregnancy test results?

Weed can potentially impact the accuracy of pregnancy test results by interfering with hormone levels in the body, which may lead to false negative or false positive results.

How long must you wait before doing a pregnancy test?

if i had a miscarriage in late october would i still be getting positive pregnancy test results on December 12

How can you make a pregnancy test come out positive?

Attempting to manipulate a pregnancy test to produce a false positive result is dishonest and can have serious consequences. It is important to use a pregnancy test as directed and to seek medical guidance for accurate results.