Yes. It is always better to go an consult a doctor if you are in doubt.
Under laboratory conditions, home pregnancy tests are 99% accurate. There could be several reasons for a negative reading for one test while there is a positive reading for another test a few days later: 1) Sensitive home pregnancy tests can detect pregnancy 7-14 days after ovulation. It may be possible that the first test you took was too early to detect the hormone hCG (the hormone produced from a pregnancy). 2) The first test may have been taken incorrectly, such as not had enough urine to read correctly. For example, drinking high volumes of water can diminish test accuracy. First morning urine is considered the ideal time to take the test because it contains the most concentrated presence of the hormone hCG, or waiting several hours after last urinating. 3) This is least likely of the possibilities, but a false positive result. These are very rare. Sometimes the tissues in a non-pregnancy woman can produce hCG, but they are usually so low that a home pregnancy test can not detect them. The best way to know for sure if you are pregnant is to have your doctor run the test. It is more accurate than a home pregnancy test and he or she will be able to instruct you on what to do if it comes back positive. Good luck!
Yes, as long as the explanation is modified by new evidence.
If you don't know the answer to this, you should not be having sex. The answer is yes, you are safe. You were never not safe.
Yes, you put live sperms inside you while you were ovulating. That can lead to pregnancy.
A positive pregnancy test, or you will deliver a child approx 9 months later!
It's possible but I would check with your Dr as soon as possible.
If the question is, "Is it possible to conceive without ovulating?" then the answer is no. However, if the question is, "Is it possible to miss the subtle signs of ovulation and fertility even when charting one's cycle?" then the answer is certainly yes. If you are wondering about pregnancy, take a home pregnancy test. (Most home pregnancy tests can detect the pregnancy hormone two weeks after ovulation, or on the first day of your missed period.) If it is negative and you still haven't gotten your period a week later, repeat the test. If the either test is positive, or if the second test is negative but you still haven't gotten your period, contact your healthcare provider.
If you had a positive pregnancy test then had a heavy period a couple days later, you may have had a miscarriage. If this happens, you should consult a doctor.
its a sign of being pregnate don't freak
You need to confirm the positive pregnancy test result with your Doctor. See your Doctor for a pregnancy blood test. Pregnancy does cause a increase in vaginal discharge.
Ovulation occurs about two weeks before your period. And during the time of ovulation is when you can get pregnant. So essentially ovulation causes pregnancy if the egg is properly fertilized.
Yes, once you are pregnant your hormones rise rapidly, a test may be negative ONE day and positive the NEXT.
It is possible that the pregnancy was not far enough along when the blood test was performed. You should have a repeat blood test done to confirm what the home pregnancy tests are indicating.
3 weeks later
Check your ovulation cycle (you can buy an at-home ovulation predictor kit at your local pharmacy). When you are predicted to ovulate, have sex around the time. Approximately 14 days later, take a pregnancy test to see you if you succeeded.