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By artificial sperm injections, yes

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Q: Can lesbians have babies by each other?
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Why do lesbians have babies by lesbians?

Like everyone else, they want to have children, either by adoption, or by artificial insemination in which male unknown to the mother is implanted in her to make her pregnant.Just to make it clear: lesbians cannot have babies by lesbians. They can, however, acquire a baby as mentioned above and have babies with other lesbians.

What celebs are lesbians?

Madonna and Brittany are lesbians with each other.

Can lesbians have babies in northern Ireland?

I'm pretty sure lesbians can have babies wherever they happen to be living.

Can lesbians' make a baby?

Not simply using each other's cells, but with some sperm, lesbians can (and do!) have children!

Do lesbians have babies?

Yes, lesbians can have baby's, however they would need a donor and only one person of the couple can be the biological mother (one sperm, one egg)

Do lesbians perform cunnilingus and why?

Some lesbians do interact with each other sexually in this way. It is because it is pleasurable for the one recieving.

Do lesbians cheat on each other?

No, not all of them. Lesbians are loyal too. Were not different creatures. -.- Just because we are lesbians doesn't mean we magically don't cheat. We are human beings.

Can lesbians get pregnant from each other?

Without the introduction of a male to the situation and the transfer of sperm to where it can meet the egg somehow, a woman cannot get pregnant. So two lesbians on their own cannot each other pregnant, no.

What is it called when lesbians spread there legs on top of each other and hump?


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Are lesbians more attracted to straight women than other lesbians?

Actually, there's research that lesbians have a preference for other lesbians.

Can lesbians make babies?

Yes if they have sex with a male or have in-vitro insemination.