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Q: Can antibiotics cause spotting between periods?
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Can malnutrition cause spotting between periods even if you are on birth control?

Being on the pill can cause spotting between periods, called breakthrough bleeding.

Can exercise cause spotting between your periods even if you are on birth control?

Yes it can.

Do urinary tract infections cause spotting?

Yes, urinary tract infections can sometimes cause spotting, which is light bleeding between menstrual periods.

Can UTI antibiotics cause spotting in women?

Yes, antibiotics used to treat urinary tract infections (UTIs) can sometimes cause spotting in women as a side effect.

Why do women spot between periods?

The common cause for women spotting between periods is a hormonal imbalance. However, it could have to do with weight issues, diet issues, and fatigue as well.

What would cause menstrual bleeding for a 42yr old women in between periods?

If the bleeding is between periods then obviously it can't be menstrual bleeding - menstruation is your period. If you're seeing mid-cycle spotting the most likely cause is hormonal imbalance causing mid-cycle spotting with hormonal shifts around ovulation. This may be the onset of early menopause.

How do you stop spotting between periods?

It depends on why you are spotting between periods. If you're in your teens hormonal imbalance is the most likely culprit, in fact at any age hormonal imbalance is the likely problem - you should talk to your doctor about investigating the cause and look into treatment options. Sometimes spotting can be a result of an STI so if you are sexually active make sure you're up to date with screenings.

What are the cause spotting only during menstrual cycle?

I had only light spotting periods for years and not very many. It may have been because I have PCOS-

Can amoxicillin cause cramping and spotting?

Yes, antibiotics reduce the effectiveness of the birth control causing breakthrough bleeding

What can cause vaginal bleeding between periods but have a normal ultrasound?

During ovulation some women experience some spotting. If it is more than 2Tablespoons you should see your GYN.

What could cause three periods in one month?

Is it full on 5 day periods, or spotting? Spotting indicates possible stress, strong emotion, or just some extra blood after the period. I'm no doctor, but I don't think it's normal to be having three periods a month.

What happens if your not on your period but blood comes out?

Chances are, you are spotting. If you are around other women who are ont heir periods it can cause you to spot. It is completely normal.