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if your allergic to something in the drink it can

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Q: Can alcohol cause your face to swell?
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Does alcohol make your face swell up?

Some people yes, you may have a mild allergy. Are you Asian? Some Asian people have a mild allergy and it can cause a flush and s light swelling to the face

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Can alcohol cause puffy cheeks?

Yes, Alcohol can also cause your face to look bloated and puffy.

Why does drinking alcohol cause your face to retain water?

Alcohol doesn't cause the body to retain water but to lose it.

Does lupus cause the face to swell?

Lupus can cause kidney problems in some people, slowing the removal of fluids from the body. The fluid collects in the hands and feet causing them to swell. See the related link for a full breakdown of Lupus and it's symptoms.

Why is my nose stuffy after drinking?

When you drink alcohol, it can cause the blood vessels in your nose to swell, leading to congestion and a stuffy nose.

Can a bad tooth cause a gland infection?

yes get it fixed right away cause around the area were that tooth is will swell on the surface of your face!!!!!!!!!!

Why do I get stuffed up when I drink?

When you drink, alcohol can cause blood vessels in your nose and sinuses to swell, leading to congestion and a stuffy feeling. This can also be exacerbated by the dehydrating effects of alcohol.

What causes dogs face and neck to swell up?

Certain food or chemical allergies or even animal stings can cause a dog's face and neck to swell up quickly. If the swelling is more gradual it could be due to a disease. A veterinarian will be able to determine the cause as well as what medication should be administered.

Does pregnancy cause your feet to swell?

Pregnancy may cause your feet to swell.

Does eating ice make your stomach to swell?

Reports are mixed whether ice causes a stomach to swell. Stomach swelling is more likely caused by eating and drinking things that cause bloating, such as soda and alcohol.