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Reports are mixed whether ice causes a stomach to swell. Stomach swelling is more likely caused by eating and drinking things that cause bloating, such as soda and alcohol.

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Q: Does eating ice make your stomach to swell?
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Does eating ice make you bloated?

The answer is yes. Air is being swallowed as you are chewing ice thus causing bloating in the stomach.

Do ice make a swell go down?

yes it does because of the hystimene in your body it makes things swell and anything cold can make it go down.

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If you're Lactose Intolerant it can.

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you could get sick from it or you could get a stomach ache trust me it is possible and its not fun so if you ever have a over due date make sure to throw it away

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When you start eating the good stuff... twinkies ice cream ect.

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Does eating 2000000 pounds of ice cream make you skinny?

Yes, I lost 500 lbs. eating that much ice cream a day, so it will make you skinny super quick!!

Is it ice to make you kid clean up his room when he has the stomach flu?

i mean to say nice instead of ice

Why do you feel more full eating ice than water?

By the melting of ice your stomach contracts more (by coldness) than with 'warmer' water, so it only 'feels' like it is more 'filled'

Is eating ice a good thing or a bad thing?

bad thing coz its harmful for teeth and also much harmful for stomach and for organ system