The answer is yes. Air is being swallowed as you are chewing ice thus causing bloating in the stomach.
Doing crunches won't make you bloated, it will help burn belly fat and gain abs. Eating junk food will make you bloated and fat.
No, eating foods that contain protein does not make you feel bloated. Carbohydrates do that. Protein-rich foods make you feel fuller for longer.
He felt bloated after eating two dinners.
when your eating to much and get bloated the easy answer to lower your bloating is to stop eating so much food and go on a easy diet
Eating alot of bread and then drinking alot of water after, can get you really bloated!
when your eating to much and get bloated the easy answer to lower your bloating is to stop eating so much food and go on a easy diet
After eating a huge, four course meal, i felt lethargic and bloated.
in very small amounts yes it is. but if you give them to much you can make them bloated
check if its bloated and take it to a vet
Yes, it can..indirectly. Eating ice is really bad for your teeth, you can develop sensitivity, wear your enamel, over work your jaw, all of which can cause other problems. So your mouth or jaw hurts, and you don't eat cause it hurts, so your nutrition suffers, and makes you more susceptible to catching colds and other common bacteria. It can also make you feel bloated from gulping all that air when you're bouncing that ice around in your mouth. Any respectable dentist will tell you just say no to ice.
Yes, I lost 500 lbs. eating that much ice cream a day, so it will make you skinny super quick!!