If she still has a penis she can impregnate a woman but cannot get pregnant herself.
No it takes sperms and women don't have that.
No. She does not have to by law. It is up to the woman to discuss with people she trusts and make the decision for herself.
A pregnant woman needs more energy because she needs to provide food for her baby as well as herself.
No. Transgender women do not have ovaries or uteruses.
because she is eating for 2 so sh e gives enough for her baby and enough for herself
No. Once pregnant, a woman can't get pregnant-er.
That depends on the woman herself and what she already has. Baby items are a good gift but so are things such as Photo Sessions and Spa treatments so she can pamper herself.
No; a woman will not ovulate if she is pregnant.
You would be assuming there was sperm on the Q-Tip, most likely this would be ineffective.
The cast of Woman to Woman - 1983 includes: Genie Francis as herself Kate Linder as herself Emily McLaughlin as herself Debbie McLeod as herself Gloria Monty as herself Susan Sullivan as herself Sheila Wills as herself