If she still has a penis she can impregnate a woman but cannot get pregnant herself.
No. Transgender women do not have ovaries or uteruses.
Technically yes. If the trans woman was born intersex and has a uterus and ovaries, but was born with a pe nis, and the ovaries and uterus still work, and the pe nis was reconstructed to allow access to the uterus, then yes. In that very rare case, a trans woman can get preg nant. In all other cases, no trans women can not get preg nant
Yes, if the transgender woman still has a penis and testicles and has sex with someone who was assigned female at birth.
You don't. There's a reason why that woman is trying not to be pregnant, and it is best that you respect her wishes as such.
Yes, a gay man can impregnate a woman because a gay man is still a MAN
No not at this time. A Trans gender girl does not have a uterus. May be some day they will be able to trans plant one, But as of this date they can not. Please note that this does not make they any less of a girl, then any other girl . There are some born girls who can not have a baby, and that does not mean that they are not girls !! .
No, men can generally impregnate a woman their entire life.
No, a transgender woman cannot get pregnant because she does not have a uterus, even after surgery. This may change one day in the future.
Only a person that was born male, and still has their natural penis and testicles can make a woman pregnant. If you were born biologically female, and surgically altered to male, then you cannot impregnate a woman.
no , its like a lion trying to impregnate a horse
No. A transgender woman is a woman.
Yes, if the person is male-to-female transgender (AKA was designated male at birth, is transitioning to living as a woman). A transwoman is often male-bodied and, thus, has a penis, scrotum, seminal vesicles, etc., and sperm. Although the sperm have likely been altered by any hormone therapy, which is common in transgender people, it would still be possible to fertilize an egg and make someone pregnant. If a transwoman has had sex reassignment surgery (has had a vaginoplasty, has had her penis/balls removed) then she no longer produces sperm and is unable to get anyone pregnant. No, if the person is female-to-male transgender (AKA was designated female at birth, is transitioning to living as a man). People who are born female do not have the necessary reproductive organs to produce sperm, so are not able to get anyone pregnant.