A pregnant woman needs more energy because she needs to provide food for her baby as well as herself.
Pregnant women need more energy then an unpregnant women because the baby needs food to develop into a human being thus the Pregnant woman needs more energy PREGNANT WOMEN OFTEN HAVE TO SLEEP ALOT MORE ALSO. Hope this helps
The main reason is she will now have to eat for two people, and needs more energy as well.
because she is eating for 2 so sh e gives enough for her baby and enough for herself
Because there body is not only supplying nutrients and energy to the mommy but the baby also
Love and support from husband and family.
a pregnant woman need lots of calcium and iron in her diet
It is because the pregnant women need more energy and protein to build the body tissues for the baby.
Since their bodyweight increases, they need more energy for activities like movement.
Since their bodyweight increases, they need more energy for activities like movement.
Yes they do but some people say they need twice as much which is not true
Contrary to popular belief a woman only needs around 200 calories more a day when pregnant. There is no need to eat for two
how muchfat does a pregnant need