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Marijuana traces can be evident in urine upto a week after it was 'consumed'. The tests will only be able to work out when it was smoked insofar as a weaker sample would suggest it had some time to work it's way out of the system, but could simply suggest less was smoked or the subject has higher metabolism rate. Traces will be evident in blood samples for much longer, sometimes up to three weeks.

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

No, a urine test can show whether marijuana has been used recently, but it cannot determine exactly when it was smoked. THC, the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, can be detected in urine for days to weeks after use depending on frequency of use and metabolism.

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Q: Can a urine test determine when marijuana was smoked?
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Does every urine test screen for marijuana?

No, not every urine test screens for marijuana. The specific substances tested for can vary depending on the purpose of the test and the requirements of the organization conducting it.

Is 4000 nanograms of marijuana in urine possible?

Yes, in fact my best friend had 4450 nanograms. It took months of habitual use and then the week he was arrested him and his three buddies smoked an entire ounce ($240!) but it is very possible to test that.

You smoke bout three times a day but you havent smoked for 74 days are you good on a urine test?

If you haven't smoked for 74 days, it's likely that THC has cleared from your system and you would likely pass a urine test. However, individual metabolism and other factors can affect how long THC stays in your system, so it's not guaranteed. Consider taking an at-home drug test to confirm before a formal screening.

When taking a semen analysis test can they tell if you smoke marijuana?

A semen analysis test typically assesses parameters like sperm count, motility, and morphology. It does not specifically test for marijuana use. To detect marijuana in the body, a separate urine or blood test would be needed.

Will a urine test for marijuana show positive 3 months after marijuana usage?

In most cases, marijuana can be detected in urine tests for up to 30 days after last use, but it is unlikely to show positive after 3 months. The detection time can vary depending on factors like frequency of use, metabolism, and body fat percentage.

Related questions

If you smoked the day before a urine test would it be detected?

marijuana? yes.

If you smoked marijuana tonight would it show up in a urine test tomorrow?


You smoked one hit of marijuana you were clean for over a year before that will this show up in a hair or urine test?

probably in a hair test but not in urine

You had a urine test for pot but you smoked 21days before the test are you ok?

Can period blood change the result of a drug urine test if you had smoked marijuana twenty three days before the test?


If you smoked marijuana for the first time 3 weeks ago will you pass a urine test?

More than likely.

Does every urine test screen for marijuana?

No, not every urine test screens for marijuana. The specific substances tested for can vary depending on the purpose of the test and the requirements of the organization conducting it.

If you have got arthritis would you be ok on a urine test if id smoked weed?

No. Unless you are a licensed medical marijuana user.

Can marijuana toxin levels be made to disappear Can a urine test for marijuana be beaten?

It depends on the time you smoked, If you urinated a long time ago you might beat it. I'm not sure though.

Do they send a saliva test for marijuana to the lab?

No, they don't do a saliva test for marijuana, they do a urine test.

Smoked three hits of marijuana waited a week then smoked again another three hits then took a urine test thirteen days later will you pass?

Depends if your skiinnny and inshape yes.]\ if your fat than no

How do you test negative for a drug test if you smoked marijuana the day before it?
