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Only if the lesbian agrees. Is she's a lesbian then she is probably not at all interested in men, do don't get your hopes up.

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Q: Can a straight guy be with a lesbian?
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If you had a lesbian dream are you a lesbian?

If your a girl then thats probably means your wanting to experience being a lesbian. But if your a guy then that probably means that your wondering what goes on in the life of a lesbian.

How do you be skilled in sex?

Practice makes perfect. Do you're research. If you're a straight girl, watch heterosexual porn. If you're a straight guy or lesbian, watch lesbian porn. (Straight porn is generally only about the man's pleasure. Most women fake orgasms.) If you're a gay guy, watch guy on guy. You can do this with erotica. Ask your friends. Look things up. Read articles about sex.

Should a female Asian lesbian who knows a white guy who likes her a lot but do not know each other personally should the Asian woman turn straight and become ex lesbian and go out with the white guy?

Its up to her (you)

Are their people that aren't straight lesbian or gay because I'm a Tom boy and I ain't that?

No not in the world that I know about you must be weird to want to be a guy and you are not lesbian gay or straight I never knew a person like you would think such a thing or be.

Is it gay for the straight guy if he has gay guy friends?

Absolutely not, a friend who gay, lesbian, or bi-sexual is doing what any friend should do and that is being supportive.

Is lesbian sex more satisfying than straight?

No. It depends. If you are a lesbian of course lesbian sex is more satisfying and if your straight of course straight sex is more satisfying.

Is Keyshia Cole straight or a lesbian?

She is straight.

If a gay guy and a lesbian girl get married does that make them straight?

If a black guy marries a white girl does that make him white? Same thing. Who you may marry does not change who you are.

What is the most common form of sex straight or lesbian or gay?

Most people are straight but then it is lesbian, then gay

Why do guys like girls breast?

Well if you think about it, even if you're not a straight guy, bisexual or a lesbian, breast can actually be really beautifully shaped. And I'm a straight girl

Who is hotter David Tenant or Megan Fox?

kinda obvious. if your a straight girl you like david tennant. if your a straight guy you like Megan fox. if your a lesbian, you like Megan fox, if your a gay guy you like david tennant. think about it

Is being a lesbian fun?

Being lesbian is as fun as being straight.