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I was put on it when I was 13. I had endometriosis though.

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Q: Can a 13 year old be put on birth control to regulate her periods?
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Why don't you have a regular period?

If it is your first year having your period, your periods will be irregular. But if it not then you should see a doctor and talk about possible getting on birth control. It helps regulate your period.

Once you are on your period can you take a birth control pill to stop it?

Taking a birth control pill will not stop you from getting your period. It might make your periods shorter and lighter. There is a pill out there that makes it so your body only gets four periods a year, but I wouldn't recommend it. Your body does things for a reason, and 12 periods a year is more natural.

Is there a birth control pill for a 16 year old just for less periods?

There is no special pill for 16 year olds. In general, all combination birth control pills decrease menstrual flow and cramps. Some are in specially designed packages to reduce the number of periods, but any monophasic birth control pill can be used this way. Talk with your health care provider about options.

Is it normal to only have 3 or 4 periods a year?

no it is not normal. You probably have some kind of hormonial imbalance. Your body isn't producing enough estrogen. Birth control can usually regulate your menstrual cycle. You should consult an endocrinologist to be on the safe side.

If you stopped taking Depo-Provera 4 months ago and started your first period is it normal for it to last 2 weeks and have a brownish color?

Yes. I was on Depo for approximately 10 years with NO period and then to the pill for about a year with controlled periods. I have since stopped taking ANY type of birth control and have had long 2 week periods and even two full periods a month. It will eventually regulate if not ask Dr. about Provera.

Is it normal to go six or more weeks between periods a few months after quitting birth control?

Yes! This can be very normal. It's all in what kind of bc you were using. I used depo for about a year and didn't get a period for a little over a year after stopping. Hello there. Yes this is quite a common occurance in a lot of women after stopping birth control pills. Some lucky women go on to have regular monthly periods while the majority of women, experience irregular periods for a few months after stopping birth control. It generally takes around three months for birth control to be out of your system so by the fourth or fifth month of stopping the pills, your periods should be becomming more regular.

What is a natural remedy for irregular periods?

Most irregular periods are caused by a hormonal imbalance. If you are only getting a few light periods a year, birth control pills can help regulate it.If it is only a bit irregular, menstrual cycles can also be affected by stress. Try yoga.Your diet can also influence your period. If you eat nothing but fast food, cut back. Eat the regular 3 meals a day, and eat healthier.

Birth control what year did birth control came out back in the days?


When is it best to become pregnant on the evra patch if you only have 4 periods a year?

The birth control patch is designed to prevent pregnancy. If you want to get pregnant, stop using the patch.

Does lipofuze affect birth control?

I have been taking Lipofuze for 3 days, and i I have been taking Loestrin for about a year or two. I only take birth control to make my periods regular (I am not sexually active). On the third day of Lipofuze I had some spotting (which is about a week before my scheduled period)

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yes its have periods

Can you have bad cramping when you stop taking birth control?

Yes is can be common. Glad you are off birth control pills because they aren't good for you and should only be used on a short-term basis. Birth control pills are are hormones and thus when you stop the birth control pill your body is trying to balance itself. You may experience nausea, missed periods, heaving bleeding in some cases. It's very important that you work with your doctor on this until the birth control is right out of your system (which can take a year or more.)