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Taking a Birth Control pill will not stop you from getting your period. It might make your periods shorter and lighter. There is a pill out there that makes it so your body only gets four periods a year, but I wouldn't recommend it. Your body does things for a reason, and 12 periods a year is more natural.

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Q: Once you are on your period can you take a birth control pill to stop it?
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Your period started yesterday you have a pack of birth control pills Is there anything you can do to make it stop once it has started?

If you start the birth control pill now, the period is likely to be shorter, although that's not guaranteed.

You only get your period if you take birth control?

No. You get a period with/without the pill. All the pill does is protect you from getting pregnant.

Can the birth control pill make your period late?

Hello there. Yes a period can be delayed if you have missed some of your birth control pills.

Should you stop taking the birth control pill if you get your period?

You should continue taking the birth control pill daily as scheduled regardless of bleeding.

When do you switch from Depo-Provera to the birth control pill?

you can switch at anytime, but i personally think depo is better due to the fact that you never have a period (for years). The pill you can get a period once every three months.

Can you take one birth control pill to stimulate your period?

The birth control pill will not stimulate or jump start your period. Talk to your health care provider if your period is more than three months late.

Is birth control a 24 hour pill?

The birth control pill is something you take once every 24 hours to reduce the risk of pregnancy.

Is it hard to get pregnant after coming off birth control?

Hi, Your question is: Is it hard to get pregnant after coming off birth control? Once you begin ovulating again naturally after coming off the pill your fertility level will be just the same as it was before you started birth control and will not effect your fertility. Once that you come off birth control, Yes you can get pregnant because it is still very easy to become pregnant. If you take your last birth control pill that makes you have your period, and that last day that you have your period, and you have unpertected sex, YES you will conceive.

When you stop taking your birth control pills and u have a period is that a regular period or a pill period?


What if you get your period while on birth control?

If you get your period while on birth control, you should continue using your birth control as scheduled. Bleeding does not change the schedule for taking your pill or changing your patch or ring.

Do you have to wait for your period to start the birth control pill?

wait til the Sunday during or after your period

When do you start taking your birth control pills if your period starts on monday?

If you start the birth control pill on the day your period starts, you'll have immediate protection.