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HCG levelA hCG level of two is very low, one you would expect in the first few days of pregnancy or after a baby has died.

Im having that same issue, My HCG Blood test level was a "2" also and Im goin on twelve days no period yet...I had my period ontime last month of August 13th, supposed to start on, or around the 13 of this month September...its now the 24th of September, still no period...I don't know why Im late either, Im usually ontime, or around that...I took my last pregnancy test a week ago...and it was negative., I don't know what to think,Ill keep you posted as to what happens to my "similar scenerio to yours"...Whats really strange is Ive had all the pregnancy symptoms of "Bein pregnant" w/in the past three weeks...I had a miscarriage happen six mos ago too, and two last year as well...Im now 39 yearsold, and I have three sons: seven years old, five years old, and two years old...I now have been in a "new life relationship" and wouldn't mind having a fourth;), lol, Good luck, n God Bless you...I will pray for both our you posted..-Syd-;)

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Q: Can I be pregnant if my blood test said hcg level was 2?
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How many days after your missed period should you take a pregnancy test?

After 4 weeks then you should get a definite result of whether you are pregnant or not. It is better if you do it through a blood test.

Normal Range Blood Sugar Level?

What is a Blood Sugar Level?The blood sugar level refers to the amount of glucose in a person's blood. Glucose is a type of sugar that comes from carbohydrate foods. A certain amount of glucose in a person's blood is healthy because it is the body's source of energy. When a person eats, his blood sugar level increases, but his pancreas releases insulin so that the blood sugar level does not spike too high, causing damage to his kidneys, nerves and other body parts and functions.What is the Normal Range Blood Sugar Level?There are a few different types of tests to determine a person's blood sugar level. A fasting blood glucose test is performed after the person has fasted for eight hours. A healthy individual's blood sugar level should be less than 100 mg/dl. A diabetic person's blood sugar level will be 126 mg/dl or higher.A random blood glucose test, which can be performed at any time, should fall between 70 and 140 mg/dl. A person with a random blood glucose test of between 140 and 200 mg/dl is considered pre-diabetic, and a person with a measurement of more than 200 mg/dl is considered diabetic.An oral glucose tolerance test is another popular method of testing a person's blood sugar level. To perform this test, the person fasts overnight and then drinks a sugary solution. The blood sugar levels are tested over a few hours to determine how quickly the person's blood sugar rises and falls after consuming sugar. A healthy person's blood sugar level will not rise above 200 mg/dl and will be less than 140 mg/dl after two hours. A diabetic's blood sugar levels will rise to 200 mg/dl or higher throughout the test.What are Low-Glycemic Foods?A person who is worried about his blood sugar level should consider eating low-glycemic foods. Low-glycemic foods release glucose more slowly and steadily than foods that fall higher on the glycemic index. Some excellent low-glycemic foods are most fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains and nuts.

How many lines should show on a pregnancy test if you are pregnant?

Two lines should show up If you are pregnant on a pregnancy test /:

How many days until a missed period means your pregnant?

well when you take a pregnancy test and it come out positive you have to at least be 4 weeks pregnant for that test to positive

I ovulated at day 16 I am 4 days late for my period so I took a pregnancy test using a 10mul detection pregnancy test it came back negative could I still be pregnant?

Home pregnancy tests are not 100% sensitive, so yes there is a chance that you are pregnant. If that's the case, then the negative result you got the first time is a false negative. It is best to use the serum test which detects B-hCG levels in the blood.

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Can you be pregnant if you had 4 neg home preg tests and 1 doctor that said you are not pregnant based on a blood and urine test and one doctor that said inconclusive based on a urine test?

As you had a blood test, you are definitely not pregnant. The blood test is 100% accurate.

If you are 45 had a blood test with a high FSH and the doctor said you are in menopause can you still get pregnant?

If you are in menopause you wont get pregnant.

What is a Quantitative pregnancy test?

A quantitative human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) test measures the specific level of HCG in the blood. HCG is a hormone produced during pregnancy. its a blood test done to see if you're pregnant. A quantitative human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) test measures the specific level of HCG in the blood. HCG is a hormone produced during pregnancy. its a blood test done to see if you're pregnant.

Can a blood test tell you if you are pregnant?

Yes a blood test can tell you you are pregnant. That's why to make sure someone is pregnant the go to the doctors and take a blood test for pregnancy.Yes

I am 16 and i think i might be pregnant i took a test at home and it said no and i went to the doctor bc i was sick and they took blood will that tell me if i am pregnant or not?

Yes it could do

If your pregnant and you get a blood test exactly what does the blood test show to conclude your pregnant?

It shows a high amount of a certain hormone

How soon will a blood test show if you are pregnant?

I called and asked my obgyn, and she said a blood test would only be accurate two weeks after your missed period and to only do it as a validation of a home pregnancy test. A blood test shows before you've missed a period, but at this early stage you would have to have 2 blood tests to show that the hormones are rising as there is quite a variation in normal, and a single test would not show you are pregnant.

What if you have to low of Hcg the hormone that detects pregnancy what If its to low to detect on blood or pissed test but you have a feeling you are pregnant what should you do?

Pregnancy can also be detected through a blood test

What does a high level of alphafoetoprotein test indicate?

High level of Alphafetoproteins (AFT) in the blood of pregnant women can indicate congenital problems in the newborn. It is not diagnostic but warrants further test. Otherwise, in men, non-pregnant women and children can indicate a form of cancer.

How come I feel pregnant even though the blood test said iam not?

how come i feel pregant but my period is coming ever 2months and i went to the doctors and took a blood test and it came out negative

What test tells you how many weeks pregnant you are?

a blood test tells you how many weeks you are when you are pregnant.

Is it possible to get a reading on pregnancy test while having vaginal bleeding?

Yes, as long as it has been two weeks or more since conception. A pregnancy test is looking for an elevated level of the hormone hCG - found in a woman's blood and urine beginning a few days after the embryo implants in the uterus.