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Yes a blood test can tell you you are pregnant. That's why to make sure someone is pregnant the go to the doctors and take a blood test for pregnancy.

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Q: Can a blood test tell you if you are pregnant?
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Related questions

How does a doctor tell if you are pregnant?

They do a blood or urine test to find the hormones that indicate you are pregnant

Can a blood pregnancy test tell you the exact date of getting pregnant?

it may not tell you what day you have got pregnant

Does an HIV blood test detect pregnancy?

An HIV blood test can tell if you are pregnant. When doctors get results back from a blood test, though they may be testing for a specific thing other things will get flagged as well. For example, when you take a home-pregnancy test and then go to the doctor's to confirm you are pregnant, often they will run blood tests to determine pregnancy. An HIV blood test will show whether or not you have HIV, but will also show whether or not you are pregnant.No; a HIV blood test won't tell if you are pregnant.

Can leave a cup of first morning urine for 3 hours and if it get a white discharge tell me that I'm pregnant?

Oh God no this is no way to tell you whether you are pregnant or not. Get a real test from the store or get a blood test at the doctor.

Can gp tell you after examanation on your stomach only that your pregnant?

No, they can give you a blood test or urine sample also

Could a blood test tell you if you are pregnant just days after you've had intercourse?

Not usually. It normally takes a couple weeks for the pregnancy hormone to show up in a blood test.

How soon can you have blood test before you know your pregnant?

About 9 days after conception if you know when you concieved. Otherwise about 6 days before your anticipated period. Levels of HCG will be present and a blood test will be able to tell you if you're pregnant or not.

You donated blood and think you might be pregnant Will the blood services tell you if you are?

They probably will not test it, most blood services are extremely busy and just test for diseases etc.IMO, if you want to know if your preggers, go buy a pee test.

Can a doctor tell that you are a week and one day pregnant?

Yes sometimes with a blood test. A blood test could detect pregnancy as early as 7 days past ovulation but no sooner. This is the best way to find out early on if you are indeed pregnant or not.

If i have got a coil the hpt test is positive but the doctors blood test is negative and i have all the symptoms of pregnancy can i still be pregnant?

sometime hpt gives false positive... if you took a doctor's urine pregnancy test and came back negative then ask for a blood test--a blood test will tell you if you are pregnant or not- even if you have low hcg in your urine-and yes you could still pregnant with all the symptoms---best of health

If your pregnant and you get a blood test exactly what does the blood test show to conclude your pregnant?

It shows a high amount of a certain hormone

I am 16 and i think i might be pregnant i took a test at home and it said no and i went to the doctor bc i was sick and they took blood will that tell me if i am pregnant or not?

Yes it could do