Although I'm a bully at school, I'm just trying to be honest, usually there are more fat people. Because why would they have fast food is it there for a reason.if u are fat than exercise its the best thing to do
It really depends, but unless they're lazy and eat a lot, they mostly are skinny.
yes everyone has fat even skinny people.
you feel ashamed about your weight, even if you are very skinny, you, well you hate yourself for "being" fat the reason i put being in speech marks is, anorexic people are mostly skinny, but think they're fat
People with a fast or high metabolisim are typically skinny.
Good question. It could be a thyroid problem.
fat people. are more llikely to get paralized
Craiglists is something for fat people to get skinny
You would like to think skinny, but there a lot of obese (really unhealthly fat) people in the USA. In the world that is a completely different answer...
Hmm, well in my opinion out of the whole world, I think skinny, but alot of people are big, but i see alot of skinny people.
Generally, Fat cats tend to be fat, and skinny cats usually are known to be skinny.
Definetly not skinny! I'm skinny and I hate it. My friends are like "OMG you're like a little twig, you are so skinny". I hate it when people say that. It's like calling a fat person fat. It hurts their feelings. Same thing with skinny people (If they don't like being skinny). If they have tried very hard and became skinny, then you can compliment them. Some p