This is a controversial topic, but there are specific facts -- although the full consequences of smoking any substance are not entirely known at this point.
Tobacco use has been studied for many decades. It has been proven that tobacco causes cancer and other health issues. Smoking any substance is going to create many of the same health issues.
Tobacco is grown using fertilizers and chemicals that are supposedly safe. No one knows what chemicals and fertilizers marijuana has been exposed to while growing. And you can't go back to the manufacturer and ask.
The tobacco companies are held to some standards by various government entities. There are no regulations or standards for the production of marijuana.
RebuttalCigarettes were much safer until the 50's, when tobacco companies started putting tar in cigarettes to allow them to ship and store better; the government allowed this. The following year the cancer rate rose 50%, and has stayed astronomical ever since.....native American cigarettes do not have the same chemicals in them, and are far tell me again about the gov't regulations? the cigarette industry was fine before the fifties, so why allow them to add a chemical to their product that kills everyone? you tell me, I'm dyin to know....but when you find out you'll know what gov't regulations are good for....Yes, but really only because it's smoke.
Weed is a known bronchodialator to the medical community. This being said it could be effective treatment to a person with Asthma as long as they vape, rather than smoke. Smoking deposits tar into the lungs. Because marijuana smoke is rarely filtered this can be up to 4 times as much tar by weight smoked than cigarette smoke deposits, this being said a tobacco smoker goes through 20-40 cigarettes a day while a stoner goes through 2-4 joints of the same weight per day. Marijuana smoke also causes temporary irritation, but it has no lasting effects. Marijuana does not increase your risk for cancer or COPD, let alone cause them unlike tobacco smoking and there are studies that conclusively prove this and disprove the myth and lie alleged by the negative Propaganda.
You are correct all smoke is harmful, but between these too, cigarettes and marijuana. Marijuana is least harmful.I hope this has helped you.
Marijuana increases your heart rate so its probably not that good for you but it couldn't be too bad, I still would if its for medical purposes.
because you smoke too much fool!
I don't understand. Why don't you just do both? Take the Prozac, and smoke the marijuana too.
It is legal to smoke marijuana in public. It is only legal is it given by the doctor.It is legal to smoke medicated marijuana in public. You should only smoke what the doctor told you too.
It's a plant not a weed. Ask yourself this question: If Adults can smoke Weed can teenagers smoke too?
i don't think weed goes bad. maybe it gets better with age, like wine ;) make sure its not too dry though
Nah...smoke is too harsh, takes a lot of leaves and crap to smoke to get the right amount of DMT in your system that way.
No, I have athsma and smoke pot. Just take it easy don't inhale too much first time
yes, can second hand smoke give you cancer? That answer is yes too.
yes, any kind of smoke or smoking can effect your allergies.