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Nah...smoke is too harsh, takes a lot of leaves and crap to smoke to get the right amount of DMT in your system that way.

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Q: Can you smoke Psychotria viridis' leaves and feel the effects?
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Why burning of leaves injurious to health?

Burning of leaves can lead to inhalation of smoke (particularly if those leaves are tobacco).

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Depends on how much you smoke and how good of bud you smoke.

Can you smoke a premature weed leaf?

You would have to be desperate enough to smoke the leaves but you can smoke the leaves but I would not recommended it as it will give you a very sore throat and maybe a headache!!The smaller leaves near the buds are OK to smoke I believe. When I had no cigarettes I smoked paper and you may get the sort of feeling when you smoke the leaves,no good for your lungs haha..Hope this has helped some people,Brian_Chester UK

Of second-hand smoke?

are you trying to say of what will be the effects of 2nd hand smoke, if so then the effects are coughing will tar will accumulate and youll get lung disease

What is dangerous about smoking?

The dangers of smoking are it contains numerous of harmful chemicals which can cause lung cancer, throught cancer, ganggreen, condenced artires ect so you can see that you SHOULDNT SMOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!