Some people like tongue and some don't. If it is your first time to kiss them, I would suggest not doing it. You can always use tongue if you find out they like it later, but better to be safe than sorry. :)
Sure, you can use tongue anywhere. Go for it.
Kissing mouth to mouth. 'Oral' relates to the mouth in any context.
No French kissing is,when u use tongue emo kissing is when 2 emo guys kiss but they're not gay they r J's showing compassion to each other but they're wats called homosexual which is when guys like girls and girls like guys. But in I guess emo culture emo kissing is a,way to show u like rht person as a friend.
it means that, when kissing, you put your tongue inside the other persons mouth. also called a French kiss.
Making out typically involves using your tongue, but it can also be just kissing without tongue. It really depends on personal preferences and comfort levels with your partner. Communication and mutual consent are key in any physical interaction.
Oh, dude, seriously? That's not something you just ask someone. But, like, if you really must know, the best way is to communicate with your partner, take it slow, and pay attention to her reactions. And, like, maybe do some research or watch some tutorials if you're unsure. Good luck, I guess.
Making out is basically a kissing session. Hooking up, on the other hand, generally referrs to having sex with a fairly random person or a friend, rather than a boyfriend.
Making out is pretty much the same as kissing, but it is longer and you use your tongue. Make sure you breath in between also.
It is important to always ask for consent before engaging in any intimate activities with a partner. French kissing involves using your tongue while kissing, start with light pecks and gradually increase the intensity. When touching a girl's breasts, always be gentle and respectful - communicate with your partner and pay attention to their cues to ensure mutual comfort and enjoyment.
Open mouth kissing involves the use of tongue and more intimate contact between mouths, while closed mouth kissing is more reserved and lips remain closed. Open mouth kissing is considered more passionate and intimate, while closed mouth kissing is typically more innocent and gentle.
Well no, i think ur getting to much into the kissing, maybe if u use less tongue!
Peck: quick tap of the lips Open mouth: mouth open while kissing without tongue French: open mouth with the use of the tongue Makeout: All the above, mixed in with sensual touching of the parteners body;)