Alcohol and marijuana are both depressants and can increase drowsiness, confusion and anxiety.
Alcohol is a depressant. That's why it causes drowsiness.
It is not recommended, because it increases the chance of drowsiness and other side effects. If you have a mood disorder, then the answer is a definite no, because the combination will exacerbate the symptoms of the disorder.
Marijuana is always better than alcohol and cigarette smoking.
Have there been any studies to determine whether the use of marijuana by pregnant mothers increases the odds of autism in their children? I have seen studies showing the results from use of cocaine and alcohol.
Alcohol consumption while using Vistaril should be discouraged. Vistaril may cause drowsiness, dizziness, and confusion which would be additive to those effects caused by the alcohol. Even if a patient found that each agent alone did not cause these effects, adding them can cause an unexpected and severe adverse event.
Alcohol causes you to become disoriented. Marijuana makes you sleepy. If you drive while on alcohol you cant control the car or your speed. Marijuana can make you drive slower.
A blood alcohol test doesn't detect marijuana.
False - they do.
alcohol is way more addictive
Certain drinks such as alcohol, caffeine, and some herbal teas can cause drowsiness or make you feel tired.
the severity of crashing your car increases with alcohol use
Doesn't matter stay away from both unless you wanna end up in prison. There are several differences between marijuana and alcohol. Marijuana is usually smoked, and alcohol is consumed by drinking it. (It is also possible to drink marijuana if you brew it into a tea, but that is not the most common method.) Marijuana is illegal (and even though some states have legalized it, the US federal government has not legalized it) and alcohol is legal, except in Muslim countries where it is prohibited. Smoking marijuana is dangerous to your lungs, and drinking alcohol is dangerous to your liver.