A man has a penis.
The male inserts his penis into the female's vagina.
It's called sexual intercourse. It is necessary to reproduce and continue the human race.
It means a man's penis is in your vagina
The penis is inserted into the opening at the front of the vagina.
Penetration. If there is repeated thrusting of the penis in the vagina, or if the male ejaculates, it's called intercourse. aka,sex, a shag,or having a ride
The woman's private area is collectively called the vulva. The part at the lower end of the vulva where a man inserts his penis is called the vagina. The vagina is also what is commonly called the birth canal.
If they have a vagina then they are a chick. If they have a penis they are a man-chick.
No, the penis is used in the construction of the vagina.
The vagina can expand a lot, it also produces a natural lubricant that eases intercoarse
No. Body fluids have to be exchanged to be called sex.
It's called withdrawal, and it's when a man pulls his penis out of the vagina before he ejaculates. DON'T use it, because you'll get pregnant!