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It's called sexual intercourse. It is necessary to reproduce and continue the human race.

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Q: Why does a man have to put his penis in a woman's vagina?
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How do you create baby?

The man has to, put his penis into the womans vagina, and then the sperm goes into the vagina really fast and hard to create a baby.

What to do for harden and put penis straight during sex?

of course a penis is going to harden during sex, as the male is going to get a reaction ( a good one) considering his penis is in/ up a womans vagina.

What happens if you put a penis in a vagina?

It's sexual intercourse when you put a penis into a vagina.

To have kids how do you have that?

you put you're penis inside a womans vagina and go back and forth you ejaculate(cum) inside her and the sperm (cum) will impregnate the egg she has inside her

How do you fit a penis into a vagina?

A penis fits just fine. The vagina stretches to accomodate it. You can use your hand to put it in place.

What do you put on a map key?

you put the penis in the vagina nd moan

Should you put the penis in the vagina during a girl's period or after?

After a girls period! Unless you like to have bloody vagina lining on your penis during sex.

Why god has given penis to man at such a middle position?

A womans womb is in her abdomen as this is a good central place for the baby to be developed. He vagina is below it and is there to let the baby out after its development. to get the baby in there a penus has to put sperm into it and the position is ideal for a man and woman laying or standing together . he must have considered putting it proximal to the vagina, also "middle". can you be serious? Not to get anyone excited, but god had probably very little (nothing) to do with the location of any of your organs, including these.

How can you impress your boyfriend in bed?

Have sex with them. Stuff their penis into your vagina, lick their penis, and have fun!

How do you do a girl well?

put your penis in her vagina! SEXYYYYYYY (oh baby)

How does it feel for a man to put penis in girl?

It feels amazing for the boy and girl. It can be uncomfortable for a bit but feels fantastic after a while. Remember to feel the girl's boobs and let the girl suck your penis and suck her vagina.

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