The vagina can expand a lot, it also produces a natural lubricant that eases intercoarse
A man has a penis.
The male inserts his penis into the female's vagina.
It means a man's penis is in your vagina
If they have a vagina then they are a chick. If they have a penis they are a man-chick.
No, the penis is used in the construction of the vagina.
Woman. No penis, only vagina.
It means he wants to enter your vagina with his penis.
Sex also known as sexual intercourse, is when a man placeds his errect penis into a womans vagina. The man will eventually release sperm cells into the womans vagina.
It's when the man pulls his penis out of the woman's vagina before he can ejaculate.
squeeze it.
I suppose now-a-days with enough money anything might be possible, however up till now the normal method of creating a vagina in transsexual surgery has been to remove the penis and fold the skin in to create a void (vagina) where it (the penis) was. This being the case, under normal circumstances you can't create an Hermaphrodite from a man.