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Cramping during pregnancy, unfortunately, can mean multiple things; some are okay and some are not so good. It can be gas, constipation, your uterus growing; signs of an ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, and the list can go on and on. If the cramping continues and it concerns you too much you should contact your doctor.

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Q: 5 weeks pregnant and cramping
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The best person to answer your question is your doctor.

If Im 5 weeks pregnant when did i conceive?

5 weeks ago

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This all looks quite normal at the moment. The cramping is probably just because the uterus is growing rapidly at this time.

You are 5 weeks pregnant you are having light cramping and a white discharge is this normal?

Probably completely normal. If the cramping gets severe or the discharge changes to brown or red call your doctor. A good resource online for info about baby related things is Hope this was helpful