Answer If ur cramping and bleeding at 5 weeks pregnant it could be two things: a miscarriage or you thought that you were pregnant and you were just really REALLY late. IF CONFIRMED PREGNANCY, CALL DOC IMMEDIATELY OR GO TO EMERGENCY ROOM.
Cramping is totally normal aslong as there is no bleeding. Cramping is totally normal aslong as there is no bleeding.
iam 5 weeks pregnant sac is not seen but bleeding
im asking the same question
You should call your Dr and/or go to the ER right away.
nhs direct speak with a nurse Just call 0845 4647
Yes you should,i was just 5 weeks pregnant and started bleeding and cramping,i had a little blood clot.I did'NT go to the E.R.When i went to my docter a few days later,they said it was'NT a period,i had a miscarriage.They said i should've definitely went to the E.R.You should not be bleeding,having clots,or cramping.Go ASAP.Good luck
I have had two babies now... I remember some amount of cramping between weeks 5 and 10 without the presence of bleeding. The doctor said that it is normal as your uterus is busy rapidly expanding in size, and at the same time your embryo is going through various growth spurts. This is completely normal to feel the ligaments stretching. You'll feel better once you feel the fluttering flicks of those first little kicks!
go and see a doctor
i would love to know the answer to that 1 to because i had a scan at about 5 weeks and what you could see was the sack and a hollow circle at the side of the womb ive got to go back tomorrow to see if the baby has been developing
It could be a missed miscarriage.
You aren't if you were 7 days late you would be around 5 weeks pregnant. The way an estimated due date works is you start from the first day of your last period. Unless you are 14 weeks pregnant and got your dates confused or had bleeding that you thought was a period but was something like implantation bleeding.
Call your doctor and find out what they have to say and then you need to make an appointment to see them right away. OBGYN. You should probably call your OBGYN and let them know. Keep an eye on any cramping or bleeding. If you have any cramping, bleeding get into your doctors office right away.