14.30 where in the world - need that reference to tell you what time it is in London
To convert BST (British Summer Time) to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), you simply subtract 1 hour since GMT is one hour behind BST. Take the BST time and deduct one hour to get the equivalent time in GMT.
3.00 pm BST is 7.00 pm in Pakistan. Pakistan is 4 hours ahead of British Summer Time (BST).
At 2300 BST, it's 0500 ICT in Thailand.
9.30PM EST is 1.30AM BST (British Summer Time) the next day.
GMT + 1 hr. = BST (spring ahead)
To convert BST (British Summer Time) to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), you simply subtract 1 hour since GMT is one hour behind BST. Take the BST time and deduct one hour to get the equivalent time in GMT.
You have to specify which BST zone you are asking about, Burma, Bangladesh, or British Summer Time.
3.00 pm BST is 7.00 pm in Pakistan. Pakistan is 4 hours ahead of British Summer Time (BST).
At 2300 BST, it's 0500 ICT in Thailand.
9.30PM EST is 1.30AM BST (British Summer Time) the next day.
1430 what? 1430 yards is 1430 in yards.
GMT + 1 hr. = BST (spring ahead)
9pm EST is 2am BST the following day.
1430 Zulu time is equivalent to 18:00 local time in Afghanistan, as Afghanistan is in the UTC+4:30 time zone.
1pm BST is the same as 1pm in Dublin, Ireland. British Summer Time (BST) and Irish Standard Time (IST) are both UTC+1 time zones, so there is no time difference between the two.
2100 is military time for 9:00pm in BST (British Summer Time) in EST that would be 1500 which is 3:00pm
2100 BST is equivalent to 9:00 PM in the UK.