2100 is military time for 9:00pm in BST (British Summer Time) in EST that would be 1500 which is 3:00pm
2100 BST is equivalent to 9:00 PM in the UK.
15h30 BST is 10:30 AM EST. The Eastern Time Zone is 5 hours behind the British Summer Time.
BST is the acronym for British Summer Time. This country is 5 hours ahead of EST. If it is 10:30 EST, then it is 3:30 BST. WRONG
There are two different EST time zones in the world. 10:30 AM EST in Australia is 6:30 AM BST in Bangladesh. (Queensland is four hours ahead of Bangladesh.) 10:30 AM EST in North America and the Caribbean is 9:30 PM BST in Bangladesh. (Bangladesh is eleven hours ahead of Jamaica.)
9pm EST is 2am BST the following day.
2100 BST is equivalent to 9:00 PM in the UK.
15h30 BST is 10:30 AM EST. The Eastern Time Zone is 5 hours behind the British Summer Time.
BST is the acronym for British Summer Time. This country is 5 hours ahead of EST. If it is 10:30 EST, then it is 3:30 BST. WRONG
There are two different EST time zones in the world. 10:30 AM EST in Australia is 6:30 AM BST in Bangladesh. (Queensland is four hours ahead of Bangladesh.) 10:30 AM EST in North America and the Caribbean is 9:30 PM BST in Bangladesh. (Bangladesh is eleven hours ahead of Jamaica.)
9pm EST is 2am BST the following day.
From the last Sunday of October to the last Sunday of March, at 1600 EST it's 2100 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) in the UK. During the rest of the year, at 1600 EST it's 2200 BST (British Summer Time) in the UK.
9.30PM EST is 1.30AM BST (British Summer Time) the next day.
2100 (in European or USMC time) or 2100 hours (US Army) is 9 p.m. Often the time zone is also included (2100 EST, 2100 GMT, etc), so both parties reading the communication will be clear on the actual time.
If it's 2 pm BST, Boston is in the Eastern Daylight Time zone, which is 5 hours behind BST. Therefore, it would be 9 am in Boston.
It will be 9pm. E.S.T. is five hours behind UK time.
At 1300 EST (in North America), the time in the U.K. is 1900 BST from the last Sun. of March until the last Sun. of Oct. and 1800 GMT during the rest of the year. If you are referring to Australian Eastern Standard Time, at 1300 AEST, the time in the U.K. is 0400 BST from the last Sun. of March until the last Sun. of Oct. and 0300 GMT during the rest of the year. EST = UTC-5 GMT = UTC+0 BST = UTC+1 AEST = UTC+10