Nidorina learns Earthquake at level 43. It is a powerful Ground-type move that can deal significant damage to opposing Pokemon.
Yes, Rampardos can learn Earthquake by leveling up. It learns Earthquake at level 58.
Numel does not naturally learn Earthquake in its movepool. However, it can learn Earthquake through TM26 in Pokémon games, starting from Generation III.
Pupitar can learn Earthquake at level 50. Alternatively, it can also learn Earthquake through TM26 in some Pokémon games.
Growlithe is not available in Pokemon Emerald. You will need to trade it from another game such as FireRed, LeafGreen, or Ruby where it can be found in specific locations or through in-game events.
Only by Tm
salamance didn`t learn earthquake but you can teach it using TM
Umm...hard to break it to you but.....metagross can only learn Earthquake if you teach it the TM. Sorry =(
defog is not in emerald,
the best moves he can learn is hyper beam,fissure,earthquake,facade or hydro cannon (i think)
A list of Pokemon that can learn foresight is:VenonatVenomothMachopMachokeMachampHitmonleeHoothootNoctowlYanmaMudkipMarshtompSwampertSableyeDuskull Dusclops
Salamence can only learn Hydro Pump as an egg move in Pokemon Emerald.
There is no emerald in the Wayward Cave on T.M 26 which is Earthquake
Yes, there are decent Pokemon that can't learn earthquake. Each Pokemon has its own strengths and weaknesses.
golbat can learn mean look