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Q: What level learn Flaygon earthquake on Pokemon emerald?
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What Pokemon on emerald can learn earthquake?

Some Pokemon in Pokemon Emerald that can learn Earthquake through leveling up include Groudon, Swampert, Flygon, and Claydol. There are also TMs available in the game that can teach Earthquake to a wider range of Pokemon.

What level does your flygon altaria and salamence learn earthquake in Pokemon emerald?

salamance didn`t learn earthquake but you can teach it using TM

What level does matagross learn eartquake in Pokemon emerald?

Umm...hard to break it to you but.....metagross can only learn Earthquake if you teach it the TM. Sorry =(

Which Pokemon can learn defog in Pokemon emerald?

defog is not in emerald,

What moves will whiscash learn in the whole game in Pokemon emerald?

the best moves he can learn is hyper beam,fissure,earthquake,facade or hydro cannon (i think)

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Which Pokemon can learn foresight Pokemon emerald?

A list of Pokemon that can learn foresight is:VenonatVenomothMachopMachokeMachampHitmonleeHoothootNoctowlYanmaMudkipMarshtompSwampertSableyeDuskull Dusclops

Can Salamence learn hydro pump in Pokemon Emerald?

Salamence can only learn Hydro Pump as an egg move in Pokemon Emerald.

Are there any decent Pokemon that CAN'T learn Earthquake?

Yes, there are decent Pokemon that can't learn earthquake. Each Pokemon has its own strengths and weaknesses.

What Pokemon can learn mean look in Pokemon emerald?

golbat can learn mean look

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What Pokemon learn spore in Pokemon emerald?

Shroomish and Breloom.