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Many foods are exaggerately salted.

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Q: How does the industry influence the amount of sodium in the diet?
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Related questions

Why is the south beach diet unhealthy?

The amount of sodium.

Why is it important to limit the amount of sodium in your diet?

Sodium is sometimes linked to high blood pressure.


Yes, diet tonic water contains a small amount of sodium due to the presence of sodium benzoate, a preservative commonly used in soft drinks.

How much sodium is in baking soda?

There is no significant amount of sodium in baking soda. Baking soda is primarily composed of sodium bicarbonate, which is a neutralizing agent and not a major source of sodium intake in the diet.

Does sprite have sodium?

There are 45mg of sodium in an 8 oz serving of Sprite.

Can you tell me about a GI diet please?

Well, a GI diet is a diet that consists of eating very healthy, and exercising most of the time. However, it is also very similar to low sodium diets because they advise people not to intake a dramatic amount of sodium.

What is the sodium content in diet rite cola?

There should be no sodium in diet rite cola

what does low sodium diets mean ?

Low sodium diets can be confusing. A low sodium diet means eating more foods that have low sodium contents instead of high ones. The nutriesystem diet is a low sodium diet.

Can it cause death if you don't exercise?

In some situations and depending on diet and lifestyle the amount of exercise you get can influence your longevity.

What are tips for lower blood pressure?

One of the best ways to lower your blood level is to reduce your sodium intake.Studies have shown that reducing the amount sodium in your diet can lower your blood pressure.

Most sodium in the diet comes from?

Diet Soda

How do you make your body tanner?

go in the sun. also diet has an influence on the amount of change in pigment due to sun exposure.