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First you must go to the old mans house in the top left corner of Cerulean City. it is the house on the right, he will give you the berry pouch. Then you must go to a poke center. go to the lady on the right. talk to her, link up with a friend and select berry crush.

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9mo ago

In "Pokémon Leaf Green Version," you can make Berry Powder by using a Berry Blender. First, pick some Berries and blend them with friends in the Berry Blender. The quality of the Berry Powder you make depends on how well you and your friends work together while blending.

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Q: How do you make berry powder on Pokemon Leaf Green Version?
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How do you USE the powder jar on Pokemon Leaf Green?

It carries berry powder which can be made using the berry crush machine in the Pokemon center it's located upstairs you must talk to the lady behind the far right counter with a wireless adapter connected she will save your game then you can choose Berry Crush have a friend join you then keep pressing the A button to crush the berries you put in the machine in order to create berry powder. Once you make some you can take them to the old man who gave you the powder to receive rare items from him ranging from Energypowder to PP Up.

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It is possible to obtain a Custap berry in Pokemon Pearl. To get it you have to trade from Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald version.

Can you make berry powder with different Pokemon games?

only firered and leafgreen.

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It heals 20 HP of the Pokemon you use it on.

How do you make berry powder in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You have to link up with friends or a friend.Then go to one of the ladies and then pick berry crush.

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you go in the direct corner with a buddy and do it.

In Pokemon Ruby Version how long does it take a chesto berry to grow?

it takes 72 steps for the persone tov grow a berry

How often are berry's marked in Pokemon crystal version?

432, omg i love taco

Who is the mirage sensitive Pokemon in ruby version?

the Pokemon are random and the only Pokemon on the mirage island is wynaut and the only item is a lecie berry.

What Pokemon holds the sitrus berry when you catch them in Pokemon ruby version?

No PKMN on Ruby hold that berry,but on Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, wild Furret,Linoone,and Bibarel have a five percent chance of holding it.

Where do you get a Salac Berry in Pokemon?

you can only get a Salac Berry by transferring it from Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Fire Red or Leaf Green via Pal Park.

How do you get the powder jar on Pokemon LeafGreen?

Get at least 1 berry. Then go to cerulean city. Go in one of the houses and talk to the man. Say yes to his question and he will give you the powder jar.