It is possible to obtain a Custap berry in Pokemon Pearl. To get it you have to trade from Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald version.
Custap berries are very useful items in the Pokémon universe, they were introduced in Generation IV games and are used to evolve Pokémon by elevating their level. In the Pearl version of the game they could be obtained through planted seeds that will produce fruit-bearing threes, carrying 1-5 berries each.
Occa berry.
the same place as in diamond.
all of 'em
Bidoof usually holds berries, the are always oran berries in Platinum, so it should be the same in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Hope this helped:)
The Custap Berry activates when the Pokémon uses a move if the Pokémon began the turn with 25% health or less. On that turn, this Pokémon will move before other Pokémon using moves of the same priority.
Custap berries are very useful items in the Pokémon universe, they were introduced in Generation IV games and are used to evolve Pokémon by elevating their level. In the Pearl version of the game they could be obtained through planted seeds that will produce fruit-bearing threes, carrying 1-5 berries each.
No such thing.
you spelled pearl wrong
Occa berry.
east of hearthome city
There is only one berry house throughout the whole of Pokemon diamond/pearl but there is a flower shop where you can get free berries in floaroma town.
You can do that by keep on battling with that Pokemon, or using a specific type of berry.
Amity Square(walk 200 steps and your Pokemon might be holding the berry)
the same place as in diamond.
all of 'em
Talk to the berry master. I do not know whare he lives. He maybe will bive you the berry on Friday try your luck!