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you can only get a Salac Berry by transferring it from Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Fire Red or Leaf Green via Pal Park.

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Q: Where do you get a Salac Berry in Pokemon?
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How do you get a salac berry in Pokemon Diamond?

The Salac Berry is a rare berry in Pokemon Diamond. It can only be obtained from distribution events that had legendary Pokemon holding them. These events are no longer being ran or support for Pokemon Diamond.

Can you get salac berry from pick up in Pokemon emerald?


Where is the salac berry in Pokemon sapphire?

In the Pokemon colloseum BONUS DISC you can send a jirachi holding a salac berry through your game link cable connected to your gba and gamecube to the empty slot in your Pokemon party. viola!

What is the best Pokemon for contests in sapphire?

A Pokemon that can learn moves for the contest you want to enter in, using pokeblocks made from berries like spelon berry or durin berry or ganlon berry or belue berry or pamtre berry or watmel berry or salac berry or leichi berry or petaya berry will give you better levels and less feels expeccially if you blend with 4 people.

How do you get all berry mutations in Pokemon X and Y?

Here's the list of all the Berry mutations in Pokémon X and Y: Apicot Berry - Kelpsy Berry + Wacan Berry;Ganlon Berry - Qualot Berry + Tanga Berry;Grepa Berry - Aguav Berry + Figy Berry;Hondew Berry - Aspear Berry + Leppa Berry;Kee Berry - Liechi Berry + Ganlon Berry;Kelpsy Berry - Chesto Berry + Persim Berry;Liechi Berry - Hondew Berry + Yache Berry;Maranga Berry - Salac Berry + Petaya Berry;Petaya Berry - Pomeg Berry + Kasib Berry;PomegBerry -Iapapa Berry + Mago Berry;Qualot Berry - Oran Berry + Pecha Berry;Salac Berry - Grepa Berry + Roseli Berry;Tamato Berry - Sitrus Berry + Lum Berry.

What is a good move set for Cacturne in Pokemon emerald?

Cacturne @Salac Berry Nature: Jolly EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Speed ~ Endure ~ Destiny Bond ~ Focus Punch ~ Hidden Power (Ghost)

What is the best berry in Pokemon?

There is no specific best berry but depending on the Pokemon you are using certain berries can pull a victory out of nowhere. For example say you have heracross verse charizard your already thinking charizard will win but you use rock slide to beat it but charizard doesn't faint and uses fire blast heracross doesn't faint but it will on the next turn, also heracross is slower than charizard so charizard will beat it because of its slower speed. But your salac berry activates and you use rock slide again and defeat charizard.

Where do you get a friendly berry in Pokemon sapphire?

there is no such thing as a friendly berry in Pokemon sapphire

What is a starf berry in Pokemon sapphire?

Its a berry given by Scott in Pokemon emerald.

What is a Starf Berry in Pokemon?

Starf berry is a super rare berry in pokemon, and powers up pokemon's attack in battle. the effect will go out after the battle

Where is iapapa berry in Pokemon FireRed?

You can get a iapapa berry from lostelle at berry forest also possibly from a Pokemon that has the ability pickup.

What berry do you use for a poisined Pokemon?

You use the Pecha Berry to heal a poisoned Pokemon.