

Best Answer
You will lose WEIGHT in lean tissue and water without losing fat, so're still fat! When you start to eat again you gain weight to replace what you the lean tissue that you lost.

LOOK never ever starve urself its not health. trust me .i mean you will lose weight but once you start eating again ur going 2 gain all back really fast! i mean dont starve urself if u really wont 2 lose weight exercise,sports,etc just dont be dat dum and destroy ur body .i did dat for like a month or like a copy of day idk and u no wat i fell terible i felt like i was going to puck,and my stomach hert constantly ! it really killed me to eat cause i wasent use 2 it but i finally forced myself 2 eat !thank god .at school i wouldent eat my lunch i would just give it to boys and they ate it and all i ate was idk proble just one tiny bite of something. yea i lost weight but after i came 2 my senses and statred eating again i gained all back but u no wat now dat i eat and everthing i think dat i lose weight easier and idk how cause i really dont want 2 lose weight ever1 tells me dat im skiny .SO PLZ TAKE MY ADVICE AND DONT STARVE UESELF !!!!!!!
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Q: If you starve yourself do you lose weight or gain weight?
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If im overweight can you starve myself just a little so you can lose bout 30 pounds?

Starving yourself to lose weight is never a good idea. That is a sign of the dangerous and potentially deadly eating disorder known as anorexia nervosa. Starving will also lead to almost-immediate weight gain as soon as you return to normal eating again. Instead, proper dieting and exercise is always the best way to lose weight and to keep the weight off.

Why is it so hard for people to gain weight?

I find it easy to gain weight and hard to lose it! I suppose it take all sorts.

Can you gain weight from eating three cookies 1 weight watcher mini bag of popcorn and like three cups of cereal?

Yes, and if someone is trying to lose weight or get in shape, he or she should avoid eating these foods. If these foods are eaten, it's likely you'll gain weight instead of losing it, vigorous exercise notwithstanding.

I am 14 years old.I weigh 153.8 and I want to lose weight less than 3 months.I do not want to take any medicine.But if you know of any ways to lose weight other than taking medicine please let me kn?

first of all if you want to lose weight try doing exercise and run track or you can also go on a strict diet but dont starve yourself to death because it causes more fat to appear because while your starving fat comes out from where its being stored because all that fat is getting into your belly area because obviously your starving and every time when your belly grumbles fat is getting into your body i hop this help

When did lose yourself win an Oscar?

"Lose Yourself" from 8 Mile won the Academy Award for Best Song in 2002.

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Im a 16 year old 5'3'' female that weighs 155 if i starve yourself for a week how much weight can i lose?

The answer to this is that if you do starve yourself you'll GAIN WEIGHT! Just eat healthy and excersize.

What happeneds is you starve yourself Do you gain weight?

You will definitely not lose weight because you body will hold on to the fat and use only the minimum to be able to survive the longest.

How long do you starve yourself till you lose 5 pounds?

You should never starve yourself to lose weight, this is very dangerous. A well balanced diet and exercise are the best ways to lose weight.

If you are starving yourself to lose weight and start eating again how do you prevent weight gain?

Don't starve yourself to lose weight. Your body will just gain back all the weight you lost. you see when you starve yourself your body needs something to use for energy AKA calories, so it takes what you have stored, which sounds really attractive but once you start eating normally again your body stores the calories again. so the healthiest way to lose weight is exercise regularly and eat a healthy balanced diet.If your starve yourself to lose weight, then once you start eating. Start with soups and smoothies and gradually introduce light solids. This should help prevent weight gain. Eat a healthy diet, and exercise is always recommended.

How do you starve myself to lose 60 pounds?

It is unsafe to starve yourself in order to lose weight. The best way to lose weight is by eating a balanced diet and lots of exercise.

Is it harmful to starve yourself to lose weight?

Yes, very much...

Do thin girls start their periods later?

Not if they are thin by nature. The menstruation can be delayed or stay away of you starve yourself or lose or gain weight quickly but not if you are healthy.

Do skinnier girls start their period later?

Not if they are skinny by nature. The menstruation can be delayed or stay away of you starve yourself or lose or gain weight quickly but not if you are healthy.

You dont know whever you should starve yourself or no?

never starve yourself! that is completely unhealthy! if you want to lose weight talk to your doctor.

If you ran a mile and didnt eat for 3 days would you lose weight?

You maybe would lose a little weight but as soon as you eat again your metabolism would kick in and you would start to gain the weight back and some more after that too . You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight . Exercise & lower your portions and then you will start seeing results. Starving yourself or purging are the worst possible ways to try to lose weight .

How much weight will you lose if you starve?

If you starve yourself you will lose about 5 maybe 4 pounds then gain them back. I have been doing this for almost a year. And Everytime I don't eat, it feels like my heart is clenching up in a fist and being squeezing till I can't take it anymore. It's not safe to starve and is recommend stopping. Please.

Should you seek medical help if you are skinny but want to lose more weight and are scared to gain weight?

It depend on what "skinny" means to you.If everyone you know tells you that you are at a good weight you should believe them.If you really think you need to lose some weight see a doctor.Be sure to stay healthy and NEVER starve yourself, even if you think you are too thin.If you ever feel like you need to starve yourself see a doctor!