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Q: How many points for weight watchers for a woman 300 pounds?
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Related questions

How many points can a 250 pound woman have on Weight Watchers?

about 30 points

How many points on Weight Watchers for a woman170 pounds?

Weight Watchers has a men's program that can determine that.

How many points plus for woman 5' 7 250 lbs?

41 weight watchers points plus

What diet plan should an obese person try to lose weight?

Weight Watchers is a good diet plan that helps you learn how to eat while eating regular food. You base how much food you eat by points. Men get more points than woman and nursing woman get more points than woman not nursing/pregnant.

How many points for a 245 lb woman on weight watchers?

This depends on you, you lifestyle, your height etc. It ranges from 18 to 22 point a day i think.

How many points can a woman 170 pounds have on points plus program?

I weigh 141 pounds and my points are 29. 22 points for WW Plus is NOT correct.

How many Weight Watchers points for a woman 120 labs?

Depends on your height, activity level, age, sex... I'm 25, female, 5'4, 120 lbs also, and have a desk job but workout 1-2 hours per day I can have between 21-25 points per day (Excluding flex or those other freebees). Google "weight watchers points quiz", u can find a detailed cal of ur allowances there. Hope this helps!

What is the weight of the world's thinnest woman?

22 pounds

What is the average weight of a Mexican woman?

1000 pounds

How many points can a 240 pound man have on Weight Watchers?

well you have to do this test in order to calculate the right amount for you -- If you are a... male - add 8 pts female - add 2 pts How old are you: 17-26 - add 4 pts 27-37 - add 3 pts 38-47 - add 2 pts 48-58 - add 1 pt over 58 - add 0 pts Using the first two digits of your weight: Example: If you are 240, add 24 points. If you spend most of your day: sitting down - add 0 pts occasionaly sitting but mostly standing - add 1 pt walking most of the time - add 2 pts doing physical work most of the time - add 3 pts Add them all up & that is your daily allowance! :)

What is a healthy weight for a 5'2 50 year old woman?

Anywhere from 105 pounds to 135 pounds is a healthy weight

How much does the woman's shake weight weigh?

10 pounds