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She was addicted to drugs, which some can consider a mental illness, there are plenty of drug addicts in the mental hospitals. Miss Joplin, sadly, had no religious background of any kind, and there were no religious trappings, even crosses at her funeral. She may have been bisexual as well.

A bit more:

While drug addiction is a disease, it is not typically considered a "mental illness". As for her not having a "religious background of any kind", that is not a mental illness, it's a lifestyle choice; it comes under our American freedoms - freedom of religion (or lack thereof).

And, while I am a Christian, I can still honestly say that if not being "religious" were a form of mental illness, there wouldn't be enough mental hospitals in the world to treat everyone who doesn't believe in God. As for there being "no religious trappings, even crosses at her funeral" - what?

And, while there is no proof "she may have been bisexual", even if she had been bisexual, that is not a mental illness, either.

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Her mother was a paranoid schizophrenic, and mental illness was believed to have run in her family. It has not been proven, but today's doctors suggest that Marilyn may have been bipolar.

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Yes. She suffered depression.

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