Ludwig van Beethoven was not autistic.
Additional Information:
He did suffer from increasing deafness though, from his late twenties onwards, finally becoming profoundly deaf.
Ludwig van Beethoven did in fact suffer from a mental illness. He had a illness once known as manic depression but is better known by the name Bipolar disorder. It is said the he experienced mainly the highs of Bipolar.
Note: Bipolar is a mental illness that has many characteristics including:
* Extreme episodes of happiness or sadness
* Mood Swings
* Feeling invincible
It is not believed that Beethoven had autism, no.
However it is believed that he had bi-polar depression.
He was well known for displaying fits of mania in the presence of his friends. He has also been noted throwing random and unprovoked fits of rage at dinner parties.
At his lowest points he contemplated suicide a lot, but on his highest points he could compose multiple works of music at once.
His bi-polar depression was probably caused by his failing hearing.
It is likely that Beethoven relied on music to help him combat bi-polar depression.
Further reading:
He was completely death when he wrote the piece the 9th symphony. that will make you kind of crazy at the time specially if you are a composer.
LudwigFull name: Ludwig van Beethoven
No, Beethoven is German.
Beethoven's 5th.
There are no records to indicate that Beethoven ever married.
He was completely death when he wrote the piece the 9th symphony. that will make you kind of crazy at the time specially if you are a composer.
Beethoven's 1st, Beethoven's 2nd, Beethoven's 3rd, Beethoven's 4th, and Beethoven's Big Break
beethoven is beethoven
beethoven is beethoven
He never had a mental illness. He gradually got hard of hearing till he went totally deaf.
LudwigFull name: Ludwig van Beethoven
No, Beethoven is German.
Bipolar NOS is a category for bipolar states that do not clearly fit into the bipolar I, II, or cyclothymia diagnoses.
no Beethoven was not
Beethoven's 5th.
There are no records to indicate that Beethoven ever married.
Desorden bipolar o trastorno bipolar