If you use a Dusk Ball inside a cave, it will always be at its most effective catch rate. However, you need to use a Dusk Ball between 8pm and 3:59am outside caves to take advantage of its 4x catch rate. This is the game's night-time mode and Dusk Balls are more effective during this time.
It's called a dusk stone and it evolves murkrow and misdreavus. You can look up more about it on serebii.net.
First u need a female snorunt, poke'radar required and anytime of day. (to get poke radar c all 210 Pokemon i sinnoh pokedex, then show Pro.Rowen.) or migrate it from emerald or Sapphire or ruby. then use a dusk stone on it.(if not dusk then dawn)
The following is not part of the answer, just part of the story. My friend somehow got me 18 dusk balls for the price of one. (on my Pokemon pearl version) He told me it was a secret. I'd just like to know how he did it. (I didn't even have a cheat engine!)
Get his/her health into the red zone, and paralyse/put it to sleep. Then toss Ultra balls, Time balls and Dusk balls.it takes ages but keep on throwing dusk and ultra balls . soo get lots of them first .ANSWER: For uxie and azelf use dusk and ultra balls when there HP is red and they are either sleeping paralyzed poisoned or frozen and for mespirt use ultra balls and some quick balls at the start and timer balls after about 20 turns. Also shout 'gotcha' into the mic and continuously press B to have a better chance of catching them!
A timer ball is good to use when you want to catch a Pokemon you've battled for a while. The more turns you have in a battle, the better more chance you have to catch to Pokemon with a timer ball. (I caught my Groudon in Emerald with a timer ball ^_^)
there is no town or city that has dusk balls sorry
There's no such thing as dark balls.
You can buy the dusk balls in Pokémon Diamond at various markets in the game. The dusk balls cost 1000.00 a piece.
buy 5 ultra balls 5 timer balls and 5 dusk balls. cresselia is at the top the mountian. GOOD LUCK!
there isnt any dusk balls in fire red, they were introduced in generation iv
no you can only get a dusk stone on Pokemon diamond and pearlYou can't.
Level 70.I recommend using ultra balls to catch heatran.If you want to catch giratina you have to use your master ball or dusk balls.
You can get Dusk Ball and Quick Balls at Fallarbor Town.
Just throw a some Ultra balls, Heal balls, Luxury balls, Premier balls, standard Poke balls, and Dusk balls if you're in a cave or capturing the Pokemon at night. Keep throwing the same kind of Poke balls until the Pokemon can get out very easily, then use a different kind. This might take a while. It's easier if you capture the legendary Pokemon at night, so more Poke balls are effective. (Dusk balls)
Just walk around in eterna forest, get it down to a few hp, and use dusk balls.