buy 5 ultra balls 5 timer balls and 5 dusk balls. cresselia is at the top the mountian. GOOD LUCK!
the best Pokemon on diamond would be arceus but you can only get that from action replay, other than that i think the best Pokemon would be giritina..
the best Pokemon for the Pokemon league is definetly latios
swampert miltic
The best Pokemon to have in Pokemon diamond is Arceus because he has the best stats in Pokemon diamond. Answer 2 Marowak and Latios are better. Answer 3 Dragonite would have to be the best! It has great stats, is immune to a lot of types and can learn many moves like fire-type moves to deal with super effective ice-types.
The safari area
chase it with the first team member that is faster than it and teach the mean look so the Cresselia can't run
there is no best spot
in pearl palkia in diamond diagla
starly and shinx their evos are really great....
Serebii.Net is the best Pokemon site you will find.
Palkia, Lugia, Dialga, Deoxys, Mewtwo, and Mew
Anywhere but what i would recemend best in near fight area
well there's two diamond and pearl an Pokemon ranger i would go with diamond and pearl
1st- Giratina. 2nd- Dialga. But that's only a matter of opinion.
a master balls can unfailingly catch and Pokemon unless the Pokemon owned by another trainer and it is best not to waste them on weak Pokemon easy to catch and use them on dialga and other legendary Pokemon you only have one chance to catch in the game.