Electric and Grass type attacks are effective against Water types. Water type attacks are bad against Grass, Dragon and other Water types. Note that almost all Water Types can learn an Ice type move, so be careful when sending in Grass types to counter them.
Fire types are the best against ice type pokemon, fighting types are another good chose.
the Pokemon types that are good against water types are electric and grass. the problem is is the Pokemon your facing is a water type and say a ground type, electric attacks wouldent effect your foe. you have to be carfull somtimes.
Bertha's PokemonShe uses Ground type Pokemon.Quagsire: Lv. 55 ~ Water-GroundHippowdon: Lv. 59 ~ GroundSudowoodo: Lv. 57 ~ RockWhiscash: Lv. 55 ~ Water-GroundGolem: Lv. 56 ~ Rock-GroundThe Grass and Water types are good to use against Bertha's Pokemon, like Torterra and Palkia. Gyarados, Mantine, and Pelipper aren't as good, because Bertha's Pokemon can use Stone Edge and Rock Slide, which are super-effective against Flying-types like Gyarados. Empoleon also isn't as good as Palkia, because Ground type attacks are effective against Steel types.
Yes. Ghost moves are super effective against Ghost type pokemon.
Claydol is mainly a Ground-type Pokemon and Xatu is a Flying and Psychic-type. Using Claydol and Xatu together in battle is a great combo, as it makes type advantage hard - the key to winning a battle. Ground-type Pokemon are weak against Water, Grass and Ice attacks and have an advantage over Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock and Steel-types. Flying-types have an advantage over Grass, Fighting and Bug-type Pokemon but are weak against Electric, Ice and Rock-types. Psychic Pokemon are strong against Fighting and Poison-types but can be stopped by Bug, Dark and Ghost types. Now let's look over this to see which Pokemon would be a good idea: An Ice-type Pokemon would be a good go here, as it matches with Claydol's Ground-type and Xatu's Flying-type. The only drawback would be with Xatu - it's attacks would be only half as effective against it. But don't worry. A good Ice-type would be a Glalie or a Regice. A Dark-type Pokemon would also be a good idea as it packs a punch against Psychic-types. They are hard to come by though, so that's quite a drawback. A good Drak-type Pokemon is Absol. You could use a Rock or Water-type Pokemon as backup and a Electric-type Pokemon after you've beaten Claydol. Be sure to raise your Pokemon to an even level with Tate and Liza's Pokemon.
Grass and Electric types
Depends. Water is not very effective against Dragon types. However it is possible for most water Pokemon to learn ice type moves and these will be super effective. Good luck!
Good against steel Pokemon are fire and water Pokemon.
This question is rather unthoughtful, as it does not mention a specific Pokemon for others to be "good" against. A rle of thumb, though, is that types which is super effective against other types are "good" against those.
fighting types
grass types
Electric and Grass type are super effective against water, flying is also quite good, please come to me if you have any more questions about Pokemon types.
Water type moves and Grass type moves. Electric moves will have no effect. Flying types and Pokemon with levitate ability are good as ground-type moves have no effect against them.
Electric Pokemon, and Grass Pokemon are good against water
Fire types are the best against ice type pokemon, fighting types are another good chose.
No, grass is neutral to psychic types. It is only super-effective to water, rock, and ground types.
The types that are good against the ground type are water, grass, and ice types. Water and Ice types are usually profoundly effective, as the ground type is often paired with the rock type.