the Pokemon types that are good against water types are electric and grass. the problem is is the Pokemon your facing is a water type and say a ground type, electric attacks wouldent effect your foe. you have to be carfull somtimes.
BY being a cop agaist outlaw bikers.
(Boy)AquaArmor or AquaAngel(Girl)
I think fire and flying are good against nature type pokemon!!
It depends. Overall, Magmar is pretty good, if at a relatively high level. But, against water-type Pokemon or rock-type Pokemon, it might not fare so well. But keep it away from these Pokemon and pit it against bug-type and steel-type Pokemon and you'll have a nifty pal!
to protect traditional rulers agaist their enemies
Good against steel Pokemon are fire and water Pokemon.
Some good water Pokemon include (in their fully evolved form):BlastoiseFeraligatrKingdraGarydosKabutops
BY being a cop agaist outlaw bikers.
I think you should get a water Pokemon. A good water Pokemon
Water type pokemon
Sure but it won't be good against all of the champs Pokemon so try to get some dragon or ice Pokemon too i mean on platinum!!!but thanks
The best Pokemon would be oshowatt
Kyroge, the legendary water/ice Pokemon
your starter pokemon can be a water type and you can trade water type pokemon with your friends in pokemon ruby
Pokemon you can get with the good rod are: TENTACOOL, MARILL, MAGIKARP, CHINCHOU ( under-water ) and CORPHISH.