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yes. commander gree dies in the 3rd episode during the great jedi purge. Yoda chops his head off.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Yes. He got his head chopped off by Yoda during the Great Jedi Purge

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12y ago

No He tried to kill yoda in Revenge Of The Sith.

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13y ago

Master Yoda slices grees head off because of order 66

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13y ago

yes he is go to to see

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Where does clone commander gree fight?

Gree fights with the members of Sarlaac Battalion A on jungle worlds such as Rodia and Kashyyyk.

What clone commander seved with yoda on kashyyyk?

Commander Helix June was the clone who served with Yoda on Kashyyyk until he was killed by Yoda in a defensive move after trying to kill him during Order 66, and Commander Gree.

Wherer can you buy the action figure of commander gree from Star Wars the clone wars?

Just go to toysRus or something.

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none. And it's Commander Gree to you, soldier.

How many clone marshal commanders are in star wars the clone wars?

8,543,245,647,389,487,635,456,738 Clone Marshal Commanders are in the StarWars world.

Is it better to be a clone commander or a clone captain?

Its Better To Be A Clone Commander

When was the lego figure Commander Gree released?

The lego figure Commander Gree was released in 1990. It was very popular. It was very easy to understand and not at all difficult and everyone watched it.

What happened to commander gree?

Commander Gree was assigned to the mission on Kashyyyk in "Revenge of the Sith." Of course, when Order 66 was issued, Gree was beheaded by Yoda's lightsaber before he could even have a chance to finish off the Grand Jedi Master

Who has a higher rank commander gree or commander bly?

Uhh... they are both commanders. So none of them outmatch each other

Is clone commander fox in the clone wars tv series?


Is commander Cody better than gree?

That question is debatable, but I'm guessing a big majority of answers would be yes since we only see Gree a couple times.

What is the code for clone Commander Cody on the clone wars game?

ya beat griovis