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he go killed by a youngling

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Q: Did clone commander Appo die
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Who is anikens first in command of the clones?

Captain Rex in the beginning of the clone wars and Commander Appo at the end.

When did Appo Hocton die?

Appo Hocton died in 1920.

Is it better to be a clone commander or a clone captain?

Its Better To Be A Clone Commander

When does commander wolfe die in the clone wars?

Commander Wold dies right after he gets the boner

Does Commander Cody die in The Clone Wars?

No, he is alive in episode 3, so he must live through the clone wars.

Does Commander Ponds die?

Indeed, Commander Ponds was executed by Aurra Sing when Boba Fett refused to kill the clone commander himself.

What are the Star Wars clone commanders names?

Commander Cody (served under Obi-Wan on Utaupau) Commander Appo (served under Vader on the Jedi Temple assault) Commander Gree (served under Yoda on Kashyyk) Commander Bacara (served under Ki-Adi-Mundi on Mygeeto) Commander Bly (served under Aayla on Felucia) Commander Neyo (served under Stass Allie on Saleucami) Commander Vill (served under Vader in the 501st) Commander Bow (became commander of the 501st after Appo's death) Commander Thire (served under Palpatine on Coruscant) Commander Keller (served under master Simms during Order 66) Commander Faie (served under Unduli on Kashyyk) Commander Deviss (served Jedi Knight Nem Bees on Orto)

Does commander ponds die in Star Wars the clone wars animated?

only in the new series

How old is commander Cody in the clone wars?

Commander Cody did not die.

Is clone commander fox in the clone wars tv series?


When was Appo Hocton born?

Appo Hocton was born in 1823.

Does commander Cody die ever?

in real starwars yeah greavous cuts off his head in clone wars no we will have to find out