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That question is debatable, but I'm guessing a big majority of answers would be yes since we only see Gree a couple times.

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Q: Is commander Cody better than gree?
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Is commander fox better than commander Cody?

no. commander Cody was so good he was assigned to obi won kenobi.

Is commander Cody better than bly?

This question is debatable. Depends on the person's opinion.

Is Cody higher than rex?

of course Cody is a commander and rex is captain

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yes. A commander is better then a admiral.

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tyler zeller is better than cody zeller

Who is the best clone commander in Star Wars clone wars?

Well there are many but I'll assume that you mean clones and I'll dumb it down. The orange one is Commander Cody who serves under Obi-Wan Kenobi, Commander Fox is the red one who is the leader of one part of the Coruscant Guard, the Blue one is Captain Rex (rank is not equivalent) who serves under the command of Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, the green one is Commander Gree who mainly serves under the command of Luminara Unduli but has served under Yoda, the yellow one is Commander Bly who serves under the command of Aaylaa Secura, the burgundy one is Commander Ponds who serves under the command of Mace Windu, the gray one is Commander Wolffe who serves under the command of Plo Koon, the brown one is Commander Jet who serves under the command of Ki-Adi Mundi. There are also ARC Troopers (Advanced Recon Commander) Commander Colt (red, dead) Commander Havoc (blue, dead) Commander Blitz (yellow) ARC Trooper Fives (blue) ARC Trooper Echo (blue, dead) That's all so far.

Why is Cody better than me?

Cody isn't better than you. You are a beautiful person. And you have so much to live for. <3 or... Maybe it's telling you that you need to improve yourself to surpass... Cody.

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How did Commander Cody die?

Cody dies by age because by the time luke is born ankin is old so the clones were older and they don't have as long as a life as a jedi/sith

In Star Wars the clone wars are captins and commanders the same?

No. Captin Rex and Commander Cody are two different ranks. A Commander is one rank lower than a Captin.

Is there more than one commander Cody in Star Wars?

if you want to know then watch star wars:the clone wars but the answer is yes